Weekend Notes on Wellness and Creativity

Last week, I got sick.  After a full and fun weekend, my ears plugged up, my throat hurt, my body ached.  I needed a break from the research and plan mode I’d been in.  My body and my right brain needed a pick me-up.  I needed a creative injection. Here are some things that got me through sick week, and resparked my wellness and creativity. 1.  Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar + Tea + Rest. I haven’t been to the doctor in a long while.  Echinacea tea with lemon, fresh ginger and local honey and a swig of Bragg’s twice a day is my go-to.  A cycle of tea and restorative foods combined with rest nurtures me every time. 2.  Make Art:  Brush Lettering Art Class.  Midweek I was on the upswing and needed to get out of the house.  I signed up for a brush lettering class.  On a recent trip, I’d admired the hand drawn journals of friends.  I wanted to add some fun to my own writing and journaling.     It is hard for me at times to take a pause from mom duties and projects.  To give myself permission for simple, non-goal oriented fun.  But so glad I did.  It made me feel better, physically and mentally. This passage “Decide to Be Creative” from The Power of … Continue reading Weekend Notes on Wellness and Creativity